
Health, Safety and Environment in Roofing Awards 2022

    The 2022 National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) Health, Safety and Environment Awards judging is now complete, and we’re delighted to announce that we have struck gold – again!

    This is the seventh consecutive year that we have won the Gold Award from the NFRC’s annual health and safety awards which reaffirms our ongoing commitment to delivering first-class health and safety policies throughout the Retain Limited group of companies.

    The NFRC received a total of 116 entries for this year’s awards. Participating companies achieved either a gold or silver award, which indicates the quality of the submissions they received.

    NFRC members receiving awards are recognised as leaders in health, safety and environment management, demonstrating their commitment to ensuring the highest possible health and safety standards for their workers.

    In addition, the NFRC state that some of their members went above and beyond with a detailed explanation of not only how they manage health and safety risks but also how they engage their workers in that process to drive culture change in the management of workplace risks.

    We are also delighted to confirm that Retain Roofing was highlighted as one of the companies that went above and beyond the high standard that already exists throughout the submissions.

    Jamie Gibbs, Founder and Director of Retain Limited, commented: “To win the Gold Award again is a massive testament to the team, both on and off the building site, and fully demonstrates the importance of health and safety in the make-up of our companies.

    “Despite our year-on-year success in these awards that the NFRC brilliantly puts together, we are not guaranteed any kind of accolade.

    “I would therefore like to thank our Health and Safety Coordinator and the on-site teams who have worked hard and shown fantastic dedication to achieve this award.”

    To learn more about our award-winning health and safety policies and three-in-one contractor services of industrial and commercial roofing, scaffolding, and commercial solar PV, please get in touch with us at 0800 027 2244 or email us here.

    Knowledge based on experience

    Award-winning three-in-one contractors serving the nation

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